Rieslings are sweet, not dry at all, and definitely quench your thirst on hot, summer days. They are between Pinot Grigios and Moscatos on the sweetness scale and can pair nicely with any light meal. We both recommend that you serve any Riesling, especially this one, chilled.
Colin: Riesling is my favorite type of white wine. This is decent and fairly smooth, with a bit of a bite, which makes it less of a favorite. The colder it is server, the better - as my rating got lower the warmer my glass got.
Rating: 7 out of 10 glasses
Rachel: This Riesling is great for the price - would purchase again. It has a great balance between dry whites and sweet whites. Some hints of peach and pear. This hit the spot on our warm Los Angeles night. There was a bit of an initial bite, not off-putting, but that's the reason I don't rate it higher.
Rating: 8 out of 10 glasses
Aerate: Colin - No // Rachel - No, aeration brings out the alcohol taste on this one
Where can I find it?
Trader Joe's
Cost: $5.99
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