year unknown
Barefoot doesn't ever place a year on their wines (we don't know why). Though their story behind their name is cute. They have a "beach clean-up" project, in which they make beaches throughout California safe to walk on in "bare feet." If you like California beaches and like wine, this is always a good brand under $10. But make sure you choose a wine that you like to drink. I like Grigio's, Colin hates them. But he likes Barefoot's Pinot Noir (we will eventually review all of their wines). Something to consider when purchasing (and reading our reviews). This white is very crisp when chilled, a great summertime drink.
Colin: On the second day, I'm giving it a two. It had a little less of an edge and was a little more lemony. I really just don't like grigios.
Rating: 2 out of 10 glasses
Rachel: Pinot Grigio was the first one I drank when I turned 21. I had have several wines at family gatherings before that, but I have a particularly fond memory of being at dinner with friends, drinking my first legal glass of wine in public. It has since, stayed one of my favorite flavors of wine. I love that it's dry and has a crisp, swift finish. You get a burst of vanilla and citrus, and it has a bite to it. I definitely think that if you are at a loss for an under $10 bottle of wine to buy, buy a Barefoot.
Rating: 6 out of 10
Where can I find it?
Supermarkets, across country. Ralph's usually has sales on their Barefoot wines.
Cost: $5-7.00, depends on if you find a sale or not.
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